Friday, May 23, 2014

Amethyst Amelia Kelly

Iggy Azalea, my dear, is apparently...everything.
I barely know who she is. But a cursory search tells me that her real name is Amethyst.....
That wasn't flashy enough? Had to go for Iggy Azalea? God bless.
She's from Australia and is a female rapper. She really blew up in the public arena last week when she performed a duet with Ariana Grande (also barely on my radar) at the Billboard Music Awards (definitely not on my radar at all.)
Lets face it, if they're pulling out Michael Jackson holograms to perform, this is not the Grammys.
Lance bass hosted, people. Lance bass. Yes, that Lance Bass. The one who impersonated a Billy Bass wall mounted fish on Fallon. Someone's having The best Week Ever!
Now in listening to her music... I like it. Fun, a little angry at times, but fun.
Not sure she'll make it on my "Ignoring the gym, having a cupcake" playlist, but its cute enough.
I'm sticking with my old standbys (see earlier posts) but I will bop along to her when her music shows up at a bar, supermarket or street festival.

Keepin' it Real up in the field... a'ight!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Who the fuck is Iggy Azalea?

I honestly have no idea. Am I supposed to know this person? Where did she come from? What's happening? Where am I? 

Kevin, help!

Fat Shaming 2.... the revenge

Kelly girl, PREACH!

There are thousands of "points of light" about the whole Rob Kardashian fat shaming that alarm me.

Is this where we finally draw the line with the Kardashians? The girls are interesting, the boy--- just tolerable. How dare Rob do anything more than create a sock line and be on Dancing With the Stars? Just stand and look like a trophy, but please, PLEASE, not a full figured trophy.

Then there's the real question of what's up with Rob. He is obviously manifesting some hidden pain (Thanks Doctor.) and its now a physical reminder of that pain. In a recent exchange with paparazzi he pointed out that he's just not motivated and it has nothing to do with anything hidden or psychological. This to me is the talk of a "usually thin" person. Anyone who has been up and down multiple times (Hi, my name is Kevin and I'm a Yo-yo) knows that there is something trying desperately to be dealt with. I really feel for him. Its one thing to be overweight. Its another thing to be overweight in one of the most body conscious places on earth, in a family obsessed with looks AND constantly on camera. Rough.

Americans love to pick and choose the "fatty" they embrace. How much did we gush over Adele, always pointing out her "non-traditional" music superstar body? Or Jennifer Hudson, full figured and fabulous? But there's only room for a few at a time. Sorry Rob, its not your turn. Even with Adele and J-Hud, one wrong move on a red carpet and they were called "a couch" (Adele at The Grammys) and a "turd in tinfoil" (JHud at the Oscars.) Both have since lost weight. For a country where one out of every three people is considered overweight, we sure don't have a lot of tolerance for Fat.

What's up with us? I wish I knew. Until then, I'll continue to cross my fingers for Rob. He seems like a fairly typical human being (imperfect.) Moreover, I'll cross my fingers for humanity-- at our best... imperfect.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

TV Theme Songs and FAT SHAMING

Oh Kevin,

Your lists speak to my very soul!  I love each and every one of these and detest literally the same three you detest!  That might be the only thing in the world that we fully agree on!  I would only make the following slight adjustments:

I would put Jem as #1 in terms of Cartoon theme songs.  Maybe I'm biased because I absolutely LOVED that show and wished for nothing more than to be Kimber.  But I think it's the best.

I think I would need to add WKRP in Cincinnati to the list of favorite theme songs.  I just love it.  I have no real explanation and if I sit and think about it too much, I realize that you, Kevin would hate it.  So I'm sure you'll fight back on this one.  But I hear that song and I know that Burt and Loni are together and all is right with the world.

I also have a special place in my heart for the theme song from Perfect Strangers.  Lesser known for sure.  In fact, I bet you have to look it up to remember it.  Let me help you:  I have so much to say about this clip too!  I didn't realize that Cousin Larry was new to the big city too!  He always seemed so street savvy compared to Balki.  Guess not.  And Balki's Mypos is clearly a park in like Clevaland or something.  Also, he crossed the Atlantic on a barge?  Or is that a battleship? onto the real story of the day: The Fat Shaming of Rob Kardashian.

I am appalled at you, America!  I mean, I shouldn't be.  You've been fat shaming women for years, why not move onto men? And nothing makes you happier than to see the Kardashian family struggle in any way. After all, you put them at the top so you could hate them and ridicule them and watch closely for the empire you built (or at least you were complicit in the building of said empire) to be destroyed.  That's basically what we do in this country, right?  But still, this time you've gone too far.  I'm a big gal who's had enough.

Yesterday or the day before, Rob was photographed at the airport on his way to some country in Europe for Kim's wedding.  I won't comment on Kim--that's just what she'd want me to do.  This one's for you, Rob. I would like to say as politely as possible that it is clear that Rob has put on some weight, not that it's any of my damn business.  In recent months, Rob has struggled publicly with dieting and exercising.  And for the most part, to someone like me, a consumer of pop culture trash, it appears that people have been patient with his journey back to Hollywood-standard thinness.

But since then, the claws have come out.  America is not willing to wait any longer for Rob to get it together. How dare he show his fat face in public months after he was supposed to have lost the weight and be physically pleasing to look at again?  People are ringing the church bells and shouting from the mountaintops: "Rob Kardashian is still fat! Let's get him!"

I look at Rob and I see pain.  I see a guy who is struggling.  I see someone who is using food to cope. I spot it because I got it.  He's not unlike me and so many other people in the world eating their feelings so they can appear to be normal and well-adjusted.  But I get to have my suffering in the privacy of my own home with only my cat as a witness.  Rob has to struggle publicly and he has to struggle surrounded by the most beautiful, most glamorous and most talked about family on the planet.  I couldn't handle that pressure.  He even took to Twitter to defend himself, clearly trying to make fun of himself before we do.  Too late, Rob. Too late.

I don't know why I needed to comment on this.  I don't know why Rob Kardashian matters.  To me or to anyone else, honestly.

Except that, as a woman of a larger size, I have at various times in my life felt as though I deserve the ridicule.  I've been taught my whole life that what I look like is something that is undesirable.  I probably don't need to go through the most obvious signs: women in magazines, celebrities, tv, films, etc.  The landscape is changing, sure, but I've had 37 (or at least 20 truly conscious) years of being told I'm not normal.

And then there are smaller ways: people love to tell me about friends who have had substantial weight loss and what diets they used.  I've been asked countless times why I don't eat less and exercise more.  Friends offer me clothing that they are sure will fit me because, "it's huge on me!" (Even worse is when it then doesn't fit.) I can't even tell anymore if I'm ashamed of my size or if I'm ashamed of the way people treat me because of my size.  And it's no one's fault--we haven't necessarily been taught how to be compassionate with people that are different.  That includes me!  I am still learning how to treat myself with love and compassion even though (or, gasp!, because) I look the way I do.

Maybe I'm mad because I'm fat.  Maybe I'm excited because heretofore I thought fat shaming was reserved for women.  Maybe I'm just tired of Rob Kardashian's weight-anyone's weight-being important in any way. Maybe I just want people to be more sensitive and less fucking rude.  I really don't know, I'm still processing and lucky for my therapist, it's probably not an easy answer.  But this is MY BLOG (mine and Kevin's) and I get to say what I want.  So Rob, while everyone else is saying what they're saying, I'm saying this: I hope you're okay.  I hope you're getting some help.  I hope you find some peace. And, sorry, but welcome to the club.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

TV Theme songs- they don't make 'em like they used to.

Show me that smile again.....

Maybe the world is blind, or just a little unkind. Don't know......

Everywhere you look....

What has happened to TV Theme songs? Gone are the days of great lyrics and vocal performances. Now its all orchestral pieces and melodic movements. Don't get me wrong, I tingle at the sounds of the themes from Downton Abbey or Game of Thrones, but its just not the same.

Here is a list of my favorite and least favorite theme songs of all time, in no particular order:

Favorite instrumentals:
Charlie's Angels (Glamour, pure glamour.)
Dallas (I still get excited when I hear it.)
Dynasty (Sounded like elegance.)
Knots Landing (This sounded like a smooth jam from the 80's, perfect for a roll in the hay with your housekeeper.)
The Dick Van Dyke show (Makes me want to fall over a footstool - in a good way!)

Favorite lyrics:
Punky Brewster (Sweet and sappy)
Silver Spoons (Some seriously tenor vocals.)
Family Ties (This could be a feminine hygiene product, but I love it)
The Love Boat (Full throated, lounge lizard delightfulness)
Courtship of Eddie's Father (Weird and wonderful)

Cute, sassy and fabulous:
It's a Living (Such and off premise for a show- chock full of Divas)
Laverne & Shirley (One of the cutest openings of all time.)
The Muppet Show (buuuuuuuut mostly American)
The facts of Life (Joy, pure joy)
Green Acres (Country bumpkin fun)

Favorite "Real" songs that were also theme songs:
My Life from Bosom Buddies (Vintage Billy Joel)
Believe it or Not from the Greatest American Hero (Easy Listening fantasy)

Funky Melodies
What's Happening? (What IS happening? That's a good question)
Sanford & Son (Makes me want to step!)
The Fresh Prince of Bel Air (Don't stop, get it, get it.)
Maude (So black for a white show!)
The Jeffersons (Yes, preach!)

Cartoon delights:
The Flitnstones (Gimme that big side of ribs- I wuv wibs)
The Jetsons (Interplanetary fabulousness)
Jem (The ultimate- my dream world.)
Fraggle Rock (A little folk-y for me, but great ending dripping in sarcasm)

Hideous, horrible, terrible, no-good themes (Steer Clear of these beasts!)
MASH (Yuck, makes me want to swallow poison)
Will & Grace (Great show, horrid song)
Hill Street Blues (Ewwww, gross)

Controversial, but not my favs:
Cheers (too sappy and syrupy)
All in the Family (I can't get in to that vocal, sorry.)
Who's the Boss (It should work, it just doesn't)

This list can keep going but if I had to narrow it down to my favorite of all time....
I have to go with The Golden Girls- never has a show been so beautifully captured by such a hokey 80's lyric. Brava!